Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Seating Chart

Have I mentioned that not only do I not have an office here in Japan, but I don't even have a cubicle? NO? Oh yes, it is one of the main joys and wonders of working in Japan. Part of being on the "team" means there is absolutely no need for personal space.

The extent of "privacy" here is (1) a locker to put our papers away at the end of the day (no dirty desks here!), and (2) having a cloudy 1-foot piece of glass on the desk between me and the person across from me. So as long as I stare only at my computer screen, I don't see her desk. Of course, if we happen to look up at the same time we can still see each other. But hey, why look up? You need to be working, people!

Oh, and it gets better.

Are you sitting at a desk right now? OK. Now put your left arm out parallel to your body. See where the end of your hand is? And where your shoulder is? Hand to shoulder = the length of my "desk". Now. Put your right arm out in the opposite direction. Touching anyone? Two people, perhaps? Well, if I did that, I would be. Touching two people. (On the shoulder! Get your head out of the gutter!)

BUT. Did I mention I am an honest-to-goodness lawyer? All law schooled and bar passaged and sworn? So I get a special treat, unlike my colleagues. I get a chair (wait for it)....with (drum roll please) arm rests!! Yes indeedy folks. Arm. Rest. s. Jealous?

Now. The current problem. Pretty soon we are gonna hire a few new folks and make Legal a bigger department. Only problem is that then we won't all fit in our row. So. Guess who gets to go sit in a different row next to the the department head and not surf the net any more ever ever ever (unless he is gone)? Yes, folks. That is correct - yours truly. Cause I am an important attorney, thats why. At least the other attorney has to sit directly across from him and not me. That would really be scary.

- LS

PS - I just got linked, by one of my favorite new (to me) blogs, Think Like a Woman! Now once I can figure out how to put up a list, I will return the favor. Thanks Ana!


Anastasia said...

No Problem! I'm enjoying reading about your adventures in Japan - the non-litigation-oriented-culture country. 'tis interesting. Good luck and enjoy!

teahouse said...

Egads, that is inhumane!! I thought we had it bad here in NYC. But at least the attorneys all get their own offices. My last office had glass walls, but still I could close the door. I knew that space was at a premium in Tokyo, but wow!

meish said...

WOW. That is really unbelievable. I thought lawyers relegated to cubicles were bad enough, but a glass wall, an arm length desk, and touching multiple people with an outstretched hand? Come back to us in LaLa Land, LS!!