Thursday, January 17, 2008

Go Home On Time Day

It is a well-documented fact that people in Japan work insane hours. I've heard - but never witnessed - that the department a few tables over are all there till 11 pm nearly every night.

Anyway, in order to combat the crazy schedule that most people here put themselves through, some clever clogs came up with "Go Home on Time Day."

So every Wednesday, just after the 5 pm bell, a song comes on to encourage people to leave. I have tried to search down the lyrics but no such luck...So here are some excerpts: "If you run away, and I had to live my life without you...stay...I just don't know what I'm gonna do...All my life...something run away something something."

And it even kind-of works. The Office Ladies generally take off a few minutes after 5, and by 6 more people than usual have left.

And all due to some cheesy lyrics chosen for the phrase "run away".

1 comment:

meish said...

That's hilarious! I want a cheesy song to signal the end of my workday. Something for the suggestion box...