Monday, August 25, 2008

Spelling and Grammar: A Rant

I am not the best speller in the world. I mean, I just checked whether grammar was spelled with an "ar" or "er" (And I was wrong!). Duh. Luckily, though, there is a simple solution for this issue of mine: automated spellcheck.

Now this isn't some new invention, I think even Word 1992 had the dang program. But what did I just spend 1.5 hours doing? Correcting a document (granted it was in excel and not word) for friggin spelling errors. Like "warrnty" and "manigement". Yes, there were some translation errors as well, and some grammar problems, but seriously, spelling?

How do people not know about this? Why am I spending my time checking this? When I finally finished the dang thing, I met with the colleague who had done the work (whose English is crap and who has been assigned this task as a means of improving it) and told him from now on he needs to put the document through a spell checker, even if it means importing it into word. And he seemed to think that this should not be his job.



OK, rant over. In other news, I have been back in Japan for a little while now, but sorry, the beach was way more interesting than this blog. I am sure you would agree! :)

Oh, and I am thinking about going backwards - from in-house to a biglaw position. More on that another time.

- LS

1 comment:

teahouse said...

Hey, I did just the same thing - went from in-house back to a law firm! It was the best decision I ever made.