Friday, December 14, 2007

Party Plans, Updated

So tonight is the big "end of the year" (忘年会) party. From what I can figure out, the Legal Department here is pretty "special"-instead of just going out for a few hours and then drunkenly stumble about trying to catch the last subway home - we actually "get" to go to an overnight party.

Yes, thats right. Overnight. How would you like to share a room with your 45-year-old (female, thank god) colleague after a night of drinking? Yeah, didn't think so. Turns out Mr. Head of Department loves him some Onsen (that is public bath for you non-Japanese speakers) and this hotel has a great one.

Oh wait, didn't I mention that yet? Yes, indeedy. A public bath. As in, naked bathing with the people you have to see all year long. At least the public baths here are separated by sex. But still. Naked. How will I look at Ms. 45 again?

And the best part? There are actually 5 women in the Legal Department (out of 20, and 3 are secretaries, but still.) Of them, the 3 that have been here longer than a year (i.e. were here for last year's party) are not going.

Should I be worried??

1 comment:

meish said...

Just imagining a public bath with my female coworkers gives me the creeps. So how was the public bath with just you and Ms. 45?

And I could read the characters! YAY!